Thursday, June 25, 2009

Day 3

Day three of London's personal trainer Dax Moy's 30lbs in 30 days program. Soreness is still here; stiffness is still here; I had a tiny bit of a headache yesterday but not too terribly bad; I'm not entirely convinced it wasn't personal stressors. I know from past experience that day 3 is usually my hardest day to get through (as is day 7) because that's when the cravings kick in. That's when my body says "Ok, this isn't funny anymore; we demand chocolate!" I also know from past experience the best way for me to get through it is to have proper snacks around, and that's what I do. I gnosh on hardboiled eggs, or fruit and yougurt with some nuts. I may eat a bit more today than I should, but it helps me to not reach for that ooey gooey numminess that I really want, that can wait lol.

So, Day 2 menu:
Breakfast: Eggs with yougurt and fruit
Lunch: Grilled chicken with salad and potatoes
Dinner: Salmon, rice, and asparagus

Densities :
pushup 26
squat 32
shoulder press 24
SB lunge 18
spiderman 18
ST lunge 12
curl and press 18
squat 28

Yes, my numbers are worse than yesterday. Did I mention I was sore??

3.15, 3.18, 3.16

3: ;)


  1. Chocolate is my downfall too. We're almost there!

  2. Just wanted to take a moment and post on the blogs of all those involved with the 30 day challenge. My wife, Melissa, is doing this challenge as well and I am so proud of her and of all of you! Keep up the great work! A whole week down and look at all the changes and results - in so many ways. You truly are a bunch of incredible people - so inspirational in staying with the workouts, the food guidelines and the posting. Totally brilliant!

    I hope others see your blogs and the awesome job you are all doing. Well, just wanted to throw some well wishes into other members as I've been commenting on Melissa's blog.

    I wish you all a great adventure - while taking on a serious challenge.

    Best to ya!
    Andrew L
